The easiest way to ship Python applications.
packaged lets you create a standalone executable from any Python project.
It will package your project and all its dependencies, to produce a single, portable executable.
Works on MacOS and Linux (Windows support coming soon!)
Just one command
Most applications can be packaged with a single command.
Wide support
Ship apps with various GUI / TUI, ML or other dependencies.
Easy to integrate
Easily build for all platforms in your CI system.
Posting (Terminal based Postman alternative)
launches an API testing UI straight in your terminal.
Mandelbrot Visualizer
An interactive mandelbrot set GUI, with Python 3.12 and the following dependencies:
⚬ matplotlib
⚬ numba
⚬ llvmlite
⚬ pillow
Aliens (pygame)
ships with various games in its examples folder, one of them
being aliens
A portable Minesweeper build, for you to take wherever you need.
Portable IPython interpreter
Just a showcase for CLI applications. Pretty much anything can be packaged
like this.